🧾 How to cancel an invoice

When you need to null an invoice, you can choose between cancel the invoice or issue a credit note over it; but you can only choose one of this option, otherwise it would be redundant.

How do you know which one to choose?

  • If you have already sent the document to the client and/or have already communicated it to the Portuguese Tax Authority, you will need to issue a Credit Note to rectify the invoice.
    In order to issue this document, simply access the invoices's page and click Credit Note, on the right side of the page.
  • In case you haven't sent it to your client and haven't communicated it yet, you can just Cancel the invoice.

To cancel a document, you just need to go to the document's page and click on "Cancel" on the right side of the page:

If this invoice already has a Receipt associated with it, you must first cancel the Receipt within the Invoice page by clicking the X that appears in "Balance" on the right side of the page.

It is mandatory to include the Reason for Cancellation to be able to cancel the invoice.

Do you need to issue a Credit Note to void the invoice? We explain how to do it here.

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