Which are the types of Sequences

When registering a sequence, three modes can be selected:


This type of sequence is the standard mode of sequence registration, where the communication of the sequence to the AT is allowed so that a unique validation code of the sequence is assigned, which will later be used to compose the unique document code (ATCUD). The documents issued in this type of sequence are exported in SAF-T format.


This type of sequence is a training mode, made available to users to understand how the sequences and ATCUD reporting rules work. The documents issued in training mode are issued in a specific sequence, which will be communicated with the indication that it is a training series. The documents issued in training mode are not fiscally valid and are not exported in SAF-T format. 

At this first stage, the Training mode is not yet available for use in InvoiceXpress.


InvoiceXpress does not support the use of this type of sequence.

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